Event Date:
April 3, 2021
Event Time:
7:30 pm
Event Location:
Zoom online platform, in the comfort of your house
Laughing Buddha – Love, Freedom and abundance
This is a series of 8 workshops which will enable you to be happy with reasons and without reasons. Every workshop is 4 hours and divided into two days. Each workshop is arranged in the interval of 3 weeks.
First workshop details :
Date :
- 3rd April – 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
- 4th April ’21 – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
It is designed in very interesting way. Grace is falling on all of us equally but mental blockages makes a shield and many times this grace doesn’t reach us. Mental patterns are formed and this frequency attract similar frequency around.
After doing this 8 workshop series you will get extreme clarity. Clarity is light in which we can see all the solutions clearly and move effortlessly on our life path.
This journey is from bondage to freedom.
1.) Calm – Root Chakra ( Fear, Insecurity and Money)
2.) Indah – Attractions and Sex
3.) Rainbow – Ego and relationships
4.) Amor – Love
5.) Lucid – Communication and Expression
6.) Meraki – Connection and Guidance from sixth sense and intuitions
7.) Nirvana – Freedom
The whole series is very interesting, interactive and experimental. This series is based on Indian ancient studies. Every Chakra is handling some part of our life. Chakras gets blocked by confusions. In this series you will balance your chakras also by just clarity of thought process.
- Handling the darkness of freedom and entering in happiness of Sunshine.
- Releasing all money blockages and getting aligned to the frequency of wealth and abundance.
- Extreme clarity about attractions and Sex and enjoying fulfilling relationship.
- Transforming every relationship into Happy relationship and standing in your own power.
- Entering in the zone of the highest frequency of Love. Vibrating in love inside and outside.
- Impactful communication and expressing beautiful.
- Connecting to sixth sense and intuitions and enabling self to take happy decisions.
- Experiencing mental freedom and laughter at every step. Enjoying effortless and Happy living.
✅We unburden ourselves from all invisible extra baggage and we live 100 x times better life than we are living now. We embrace ourselves and shine bright to brightest in ourselves.
✅May we Smile truly from our heart.
✅May whatever money you give you get 10,000 times more than that.
✅ Your money is refundable if you do not connect to the teachings.
A workshop by Acharrya Smredhi.
This session will be on Zoom.
For any queries please contact on :