We are really lucky that we are born in the era of technology.
We have option to understand the point of veiw of other – from the great learned people of both East and West.
In my opinion West focuses on Self. Self love, Self approval, Self Confidence, being maginificient etc are so beautifully expained by them.
East beautifully explains Nobodiness, surrender, let go, being zero, oneness.
As per me they are completely dependent on each other and one cannot work without other.
Happiness inside creates happiness outside.
If someone is a follower of only one then this will surely confuse him one day.
Balance of both shapes powerful balanced personality.
Our elders were not so fortunate to understand others point of view as there was a lack of technology. They only heard one side but now things are different.
Knowledge is free from every boundation of caste, color, religion and nationality. So open yourself and be in recieving mode.