
Self development


Allow yourself to experience fulfilling relationships.

Allow yourself to live an abundant life.

Allow yourself to experience immense peace and happiness.

Allow yourself to enjoy journey of life thoroughly.

Peaceful Me is one stop solution of personal sessions for counselling, therapies, mental wellness programs, Self-development workshops and Corporate workshops.

Acharya Samredhi is the founder of Peaceful Me

Acharya Samredhi is a mental wellness practitioner and a life coach. She is a founder of Peaceful Me. She is extensively into Counselling, Therapies, Life coaching, Self-development workshops and various Corporate Workshops. By heart she is a lifelong student and a warm personality.

She is NLP master practitioner, EFT and Brain rewiring coach, trained in TAT, Ontology, Ho’oponopono and various mental wellness programs across the Globe.

She is well trained and researched in Ancient Indian literature for 17 years. She has been presented with the degree of “Acharya”. She is well known for her rational, independent, and solution-based thinking.

Her programs have the shade of Neuroscience and a hue of old sutras of ancient Indian literature. She has taught more than 3000 people in her various workshops.

Personal Consultation and Life Coaching

Personal Consultation

Life is more complicated nowadays than before. Yes, people earn much more today, but the quality of life has reduced. This is increasing stress and anxiety. It reduces the mental potential at an alarming rate as well as the happiness rate drastically by creating numerous problems outside in life.

NLP Therapies/ Practices, Counselling, EFT, TAT and other mental health tools are all for normal people. They are not for mentally sick people. They help normal people to get their best solutions by giving them crystal clear clarity and empowering them to live joyful and effortless life in full potential.

Acheive Your Goals & Live Your Life To the Fullest…

Life coaching session

Life Coaching

In coaching person comes with the willingness to unleash his highest potential to achieve some personal or professional goal. Coach helps him to chipp off all that what he is not and which is dimming his light. So, that he can shine in his full light, glory and potential. Sometimes person wants to unleash his unlimited potential but is unclear about his goal. There coach helps him to get crystal clear clarity along with complete mind map to reach his future desired self.

Self Development Workshops

I cherish this profoundly! All the workshops are spiritual, primarily based on deep human emotions and neuroscience. We learn much better in the company of others, as they inspire us. I entreat everyone to attend these workshops.

They target the questions that have been disturbing you for long and help you to seek their respective solutions. These workshops deliberate on various topics namely, self-development relationships and work-space. It is all moulded and created in a way to enhance your living and augment inner peace.

Corporate Workshops

Empowered beings create empowered managment & Empowered management creates empowered company

According to recent polls, about 42.5 percent of private sector employees in India suffer from high levels of stress and anxiety disorders. The most significant barrier to a company’s success and welfare is poor mental health, which leads to multiple issues and low vibrational company atmosphere. No amount of planning or strategies will help here. Taking this into account, the most advanced organisations adhere to employee welfare initiatives on a constant basis for the mental health of their employees and management.

According to research, organisations that routinely follow employee wellbeing programmes have experienced:

  • High vibrational company atmosphere
  • Healthy and balanced thought process
  • Harmonious teamwork and coordination
  • Noticeable boost in productivity graph
  • New breakthroughs for the organization
  • Enhanced networking

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