Why should I do any spiritual practice when I am already One with God – Same light. When there is no difference then this spiritual practice is to find whom?
Spiritual practice is not to find God as we are already one with it whether awareness of this is present or not but to uncover these shadow thoughts of ego, anger, attachment etc which don’t let us realise and feel our real bright Self of – I AM HE.
This Sadhna is simply to find the Truth and then to protect our awareness of I AM HE.
Thoughts of Ego, Anger, Attachment etc all are normal to come in mind but our spiritual practices helps us to feel and realise our real self as every life goes through lot of high and low experiences and in these experiences we first loose ourselves and get drowned in an illusionary world which either satisfies our senses or takes us in the darkness of fear and anxiety.
Spiritual practices are simply like a Sea anchor which helps us not to get drowned in the waves of emotions in this ocean of life.
This is only for Self Peace and Hapiness.