My early morning first thoughts:
Today is new day.
Yesterday has gone. Everything related to it is in the past. This moment is as fresh and new as a new flower bloomed in my garden.
Feeling low doesn’t mean that we are not taken care by our higher source.
This only means some outside belief system is strong and we need to come out of it to embrace our souls happiness.
Our higher source is always with us and loving us and helping us every moment. It guides us at every step and it only wants us to live our human life to the fullest. To bloom like a flower whole time in this physical world.
So, Today is the new Sunrise. New rays which never came on this Earth. Look around you. Count your blessings. Feel your breath. Feel how much he is taking care of us.
Every time we chip what we are not and move towards our sparkle that much we love ourselves more.
Look forward. Face towards light.
Yesterday is history. Future is mystery. Today is a gift that is why we call it Present.
Today love yourself more than yesterday.