
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men” – Federick Douglass.

Being a parent is a great blessing. In my occult science journey i met several couples whose biggest desire was to become a parent.

“Child gives birth to a mother” is a famous saying. Giving right weather to your child where he can blossom in his being and be useful in this Universe is not only excellent for the child or for the family but it is excellent for the world also. This is the greatest service which you can do to the mankind and is a purpose of Parenting coaching.

Parenting is all about the journey, not about the destination. The happier the journey you undertake along with your child, the more he/she will blossom in his/her being

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy”- Oscar Wilde.

Today, with kids being surrounded with the world of gadgets, parenting is not as effortless as it was earlier, in fact in most of the cases it drains.There are many challenges which today’s parents face and were not an issue earlier like single child, single parent, working mother, world of gadgets, small flats, exposure to media and internet, Being indoors most of the time.

This is the reason parenting coaching has become an important part of our journey or in other words, we need Parenting coaching at right time to get the right tools to handle every situation and it is of course not being a ring master to our child.

We need to align so that the journey can be a happy flow of life in which both families and children are blossoming.

Acharrya Smredhi herself is a mother of two children, one girl and a boy. She conducts parenting coaching workshops all over India, through both online and offline medium, apart from individual coaching across the country.

She equally focuses on parents also along with children as only peaceful and happy parent can only play their role to their best.

She believes that Successful Parenting coaching needs to provide handy tips, easy tools,  establish strong connection between parent and child and aware but easy parenting journey.

Why Parenting coaching is needed ?

As Parenting has become a challenge in given situation of today’s world so to handle it best in the  highest interest of all, needs some learning and efforts. One beautiful thing happens while being in the process of providing right weather to your child is that you meet your own inner child and heal every part of your being. Your inner child blossoms and the same happy reflection you see in your child. You need to take the help of  coaching :-

  • Prenatal complete guidance
  • Handling toddlers in best manner for their best overall development.
  • When you feel powerless and drained to handle your child.
  • If you are anxious about your child.
  • Connecting with teenage children.
  • If a bond is missing between parent and child.
  • Parents who are dealing with Anger issues of their children.
  • Parents who are dealing with restless children.
  • Child who is extra Clingy to parents
  • Child who is always hooked to screen and gadgets
  • Single parenting
  • Single child
  • Wish to learn the ideal way to handle children.

Tools for improvement

There are many reason for child to behave in a certain manner. Some you can easily see and some you can not. It needs in depth self introspection. There are some secret messages behind child’s behavior and as clear and loud you can see and understand the message that much effective your parenting will be. You will come to really know where to bring the shift and why. There is no difference or healing or shift which you can bring in your child without healing yourself first.

  • To understand the underline messages of your and your child’s behavior. Acharrya Smredhi will take help of some very powerful but very easy and simple tools to go in deep layers of mind and to decode the messages.
  • Handy tips
  • Effective communication with Self and then with the child
  • Mental rewiring of Self and the child.
  • Tools to handle anger
  • Tools to handle restlessness
  • EFT sessions and other sessions
  • Music therapy
  • Healing guidance as some times child needs healing, not one more to do list.
  • Food
  • Specific prayers
  • Creating Happy family bond for Happy children