Kavita and her husband contacted me.
Husband’s complaint was that Kavita has strong anger issues. She creates big scenes for no specific reasons and is insensitive towards others.

Kavita was complaining that husband doesn’t understand her. She explains but he doesn’t understand. As this was more like blaming session so I only heard patiently on zoom.

Things started getting unfold when Kavita contacted me alone.
Knowing ‘Why’ is important to go in the root level healing.

After asking about her early life, she shared that she was sexually assaulted by one of her relative when she was in grade fifth. When she shared with her parents they listened her, calmed her down and supported their child by every means but asked her to keep quiet in front of others.
They themselves confronted the relative and had a fight also but not to that level which she wanted them to.

Parents were totally with her always but as relation was very close so after some time they started having a formal relationship with the relative again but maintained some distance.
She wanted them to take strong actions and break all the ties forever which they didn’t do or could not do.

As she grew up all this went deep inside her memory lane. She moved ahead with time but there was common complaint of everyone that she reacts very strongly, she has anger issues and even she is insensitive.

She could not help herself by any means inspite of taking regular meditation and yoga classes.

Her underlying thoughts were:

  •  When nobody took strong actions as she wanted them to take, when she experienced this turmoil then why she needs to think so much about others that how they are feeling? Let them go to hell.
  •  Nobody can dare to mess with her. If anybody will do anything wrong then she will oppose as strong as possible?
    As nobody gave back to that man strong enough and he never suffered as she wanted him to suffer so their was fire of anger in her and by giving strong reactions everytime she felt better.
  • She wanted others to listen her and understand her plight and do something for her.
    Her inner child felt nobody understood her plight. If they would have understood then they would have done something very strong with that man. Why they didn’t do? Now her inside was reacting by shouting and screaming on others and expecting that they will understand her everytime.

Problem was not in today. That pain needs to be acknowledged, released and healed by a process.

Problem was years back. Acknowledgment was done there. Release was also done there.

Direction was given to her by making her do chakra course ‘LAUGHING BUDDHA’.
Result came in ‘now’. Soul is healed now. Soul got the direction.

Happy and healed Kavita is ready to walk on her lifepath with peace and joy.

Every life goes through some pains. When painful episode is over we think as all is over but unhealed pain can disconnect us from our authentic self. We come permanently in survival mode. We feel unknown threat every time. It is not about only big trauma’s. This can be as simple as someone shouting on you.

We can be helpful for this planet only when we ourselves are our wonderful version. In this mode we don’t need to do anything. Our presence itself will increase light on this planet.

We need to invest by every means on our self healing and peace. Our whole life depends on this.

My purpose to share this case study is to tell you that how important it is to work on our pains.

(In this case study all the names have been changed and this is shared with the clients permission)

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