Off late, I have started receiving a lot of queries related to work area stress from everywhere.
This all is related to our survival chakra. If we feel any threat there, then human needs pull us down, disconnecting us from our Spiritual side.
The solution is to accept and embrace our human needs, not reject them.
Balanced Human and Spiritual Side gives mental freedom.
I have always been taking spiritual workshops on Self Love and Oneness, but successfully handling our professional life is utmost important for Spiritual Freedom.
Now to strengthen this I will be taking my first workshop in a professional series.
We will learn how does a spiritual person handle his professional side with Success and Power.
This workshop will empower you to have:
– Razor sharp focus
– Effective time management
– Multiply your productivity
– Moving on professional path with full strength and grace.
This will help you to come out of all the diversions, weaknesses, confusions.
The steps which we are learning can be used by anyone like students and homemakers also who really wish these boosters in their life.