Recognize your every small achievement. Be gentle to yourself.
Recognize your every small achievement. Be gentle to yourself. Appreciate and approve your every small step. Feel this achievement for…
Recognize your every small achievement. Be gentle to yourself. Appreciate and approve your every small step. Feel this achievement for…
Yes ! If we have suffered or are suffering hurt from someone then it pains but if we do not…
Accept yourself in pain also, Accept yourself even when you are not able to accept it. Even when you are…
It is not necessary that every loud voice is true. It is not true that every famous personality is right…
One who has minimum holding for desires has the highest manifestation power. NOTHING ATTRACTS EVERYTHING
Life is so sorted when we know : 1. We always have a choice 2. We cannot get everything so…
Imperfect relationships can be wonderful. Do not try to fit or compare your relationship as per others defination of “BEING…